Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Netflix, I Master Your Soul

Today marks the third time in just as many months that Netflix has shipped me a movie it has listed as "Long Wait" or "Very Long Wait." Every time my queue informs of this allegedly long wait, I get the movie when I want regardless.

Most memorable is the time when I got The Contract, starring Morgan Freeman and John Cusack. My roommate, Andrew, had the movie on his queue for a month. I decided to add it to my queue as well. The week after the movie was released, it was listed as "Very Long Wait." On this day, I added it to the top of my queue as I had shipped a movie the day prior, so it was next in line to get shipped home. Despite the fact that Andrew had already been waiting for a week, I got mine the very next day.

Love Wrecked has had a "Long Wait" status for quite some time, but sense it was somewhere in the middle of my queue, I wasn't overly concerned. After seeing, Sydney White, I wanted to catch the one Amanda Bynes romantic comedy I hadn't seen (I know, I know. Fuck off). Yesterday, I bumped it up to my top spot, and lo and behold, it's shipping today even though it still has "Long Wait" status.

Netflix bends to my will.

Clearly, I am a wizard.

1 comment:

Memoirs of a Pastafarian King said...

you may be a wizard.

but I'm a Mage