Monday, October 8, 2007

Dude. You're a Cohen Now. Welcome to a Life of Insecurity and Paralyzing Self-Doubt.

Getting to know someone can be rather odd, mainly because we as people are bit funny...and scared. For example, you can be confident, fun and engaging, sure, but when it comes to those internal decisions about what you actually do, it's a different story.

What makes getting to know someone difficult is trying to figure out the timing. Obviously, you're interested in the person on some sort of level, so you're going to put an effort to contact them or get together. But how exactly do you gauge that? That's the question. You don't want to call/text/message them too much or you'll be overwhelming, but you also don't want to seem disinterested or distant.

The reason for all this guesswork? No one wants to admit they're potentially interested. That means, even at the smallest level, there's a degree of investment emotionally. And it's an odd thing to address. Saying that' you're interested in someone is different than simply asking them out. It's more like "I like you, but I still want to get to know you. I'm interested in developing something out this, but I want to go slowly." I don't know. People seem to be far more unwilling to say that than to agree to go out on a date, which often leads to some sort of rushing.

To me, being friends with a person you're interested is just as important as any other aspect. Not that being romantic isn't important, but people seem forget that this, too, is part of the whole. This is not exactly coming out right. I'm a bit tired/hungry. Just felt like typing that out for some reason or another.

I'm well aware that I'm far too self-conscious for my own good, but I'm working on it.

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