Thursday, October 18, 2007

It Isn't Fair, But It's Reality. I Need A Miracle In My Veins, After All


I'm not sure what to make of things right now. People confuse me a great deal, and suffice to say I'm pretty down about things. But, I suppose I never had a chance to begin with, and I'm not exactly sure why that sort of thing still surprises me, as it's been reoccurring for the last two and a half years.

Ugh, that's as far as I'm delving into that right now.

The plan for today is to dive into looking into new musics. However, considering the trend lately, it is unlikely it will go as I hope. But I'm going to give it the old college try nonetheless.

Swearing Boosts Morale: This made me smile...and also shake my head muttering "no shit, sherlock"

In other news, I am transforming into a mad scientist.

You are all doomed.

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