Woke in a bit of a grumbly mood because I had to be at Game Stop for the midnight release of Halo 3 (a game, as I've been announcing, for little girls). For some ungodly reason, Game Stop thought it'd be best to have the store open until 11:45 so that people could pay their game off and just grab it at midnight. I was in charge of setting up Halo machines, raffles, and other crowd control babysitting things. Really it just gave me a reason to announce really filthy things towards unsuspecting. A sample of the kids I dealt with:

I mention the grumbly mood because I awoke to this
nonsense. Johnny "Rotten" Lydon continues to live under the delirious belief that he is some sort of authoritative figure on what is and isn't "punk," which is hilariously hypocritical considering some of the values associated with punk. He's not alone in doing this, but he is one of the more obnoxious examples.
The Sex Pistols were a boy band made up of a bunch of Nancy boys who, like the boy bands of the 90's, completely fell apart when they started managing things themselves (I know that's an oversimplification of the matter, but still). They just happen to have an overrated status because of their placement in musical history. So Rotten thinks it matters somehow when he spouts out "The Ramones weren't punk. The Clash weren't punk." And yes, he's free to say whatever he wants about whomever he wants, but he just says shit like this all the time.
How punk.
I'll admit, I like a few Sex Pistol tracks, but they never stood out to me as anyone particularly special.
For the record, Journey is one of Johnny Rotten's favorite bands. I find that amusing.
1 comment:
i think i might kill him with my bare hands.
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