Due to the genius design of their fur, the sly fiends often lull people into a dim-witted sense of security. "Oh! Look at those patch eyes. Aren't they just daaaahrlliiing! We must save each and every one of them!"
Wrong madam.
That is what they want.
With their numbers depleted, what chance do they have? Oh, "but if the humans find ua adorable, they will build and assemble our forces FOR us!"
Chances are, you've never taken a good look at the so-called panda bear. Look closely. Look at their eyes.

Those crafty patches almost hide them entirely, so people never really pay too much attention. Merely assume the big, lumbering creatures' eyes are a simple black color and blend in with its uniform as pandas often seem to have their head lowered.
Those aren't the eyes of a dumb animal. There's an intelligence there. A knowing, plotting, horrible intelligence that, when observed, looks as though another animal entirely tore the skin and fur off some poor creature who likely was a gentler, more noble, but altogether retarded animal.
Instead, we trip over ourselves to get these creatures to fuck and further populate their species. If panda awareness were raised, you can guarantee the efforts to saves these beasts from "endangerment" would be dropped. No one cares for the undesirables.
Take, for example, the Aruba island rattlesnake.
There are equal to or less than 230 of these animals left in existence. They are classified as Critically Endangered. There is only one law in relation to it's endangerment: it's illegal to export them. That's it.
Why, you ask?
No one gives a rat's ass about a rattlesnake.
Yet, the rattlesnake does not lie about what it is. It is not, as the vile panda, hiding it's nature, and if it were up to most people, rattlesnakes likely wouldn't even be here. They are not cute nor cuddly looking and make no effort to seem to be. They merely want to be left alone...or else they will smite you with their poisons and you will die. A lot.
But with one shake of its fur as it chomps down on a piece of bamboo wood that no animal, not even the typical peon bear, would find appetizing melts the hearts of people across the world and now it gleefully waits in amusement as its future prey (ie, we humans) tends to its species.. Waiting for that one fleeting moment...
These monsters must be stopped. At all costs.
very interesting observation there...but seeing as we are the ones responsible for panda bears massive decline, isn't it right that we try and help revive their numbers? and the rattlesnake...well i'm not a big fan of them but you're right they also deserve a fair shot at being protected...i guess their bad luck for not having cute eyes....lol
grizzly bear fan
this is the stupidest thing i have ever read
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