Below are the various places about the Internets I can be found:
Social Networking:
MySpace: Myles Will Save Us All: my general base of operations.
Facebook: Myles Griffin. I'm here on a regular basis, but don't quite keep up with it at ferociously as Twitter and MySpace.
Twitter: Under the moniker "myleswillsaveus." You are welcome to follow me at your own peril. I tweet frequently.
Myles Will Save Us: My regular blog which I occasionally (need to get back on track) update things that aren't "Good morning, Internets"
Shoryuken: A video game blog I run with my friends.
Last.FM keeps track of what I listen to.
Message Boards:
Absolute Punk: A news site turned culture hub focused in various punk related scenes but now covers pretty much all music. I post under "seii the sunris"
Harvey Danger: The official message board for the band Harvey Danger where I post under "Myles."
I See Dead: An intimate horror film-based message board filled with...eccentric people where I also post under "Myles."
Classic Gamer Brain: Some video game blogging friends of mine started a forum that's still in its embryonic stages. So if you're into video games, come on over and post. Also there as "Myles."
I believe that's it. I've been present other places, but either long forgot it or just don't go there that regularly (Like Bendis' JinxWorld, Warren Ellis' Whitechapel, and the Riot Grrl mesage board).
Happy hunting.
And as always,
Myles prevails.