Thursday, April 16, 2009


While I've been incapable to keep up a consistent output of The Weekly Wank for whatever reason, I'm going to try something else that I'm calling MylesFM. I set up a Playlist account so that I can create and share playlists, which is a far more entertaining and interactive.

I'll do my best to provide further insights of tracks akin to what I was doing with The Weekly Wank, but more often than not that will be further meditated on or edited in a little after the fact. Each and every playlist will likely have a title and short description. For example, I randomly created the debut while driving around on my lunch this afternoon. It's entitled Kick Start, which is described as "a handful of spontaneous pop-infused sing-a-longs for upswinging drives in temperate spring afternoons and other pleasantries." Meaning this particular entry was not really pre-meditated at all.

So, check out what I select, discuss it, pop it up as background noise, or log on and create your own playlists to share..whatever you like. Bitching, however, will be ignored or made fun of. Or you wake up one morning to find a large man in a beaver suit looking hungrily at you with a hack saw. Oh, and give the player a minute or two to load up. Then press play and enjoy the fun!

Anyone who wishes to have a burned copy and can't do so themselves, I'll be happy to supply one.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

1 comment:

Randy said...

Thanks for NOT making the playlist start playing automatically. Several other bloggers do that and I HATE it. I read blogs while listening to the radio and it messes up my choice of music or sometimes in an office building where the sound offends those around me. I've had to give up some good blogs that way...